that thing called organization…

… i thought i had it down… but i am beginning to think i don’t.

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maybe it’s not as bad as i think.
maybe it just looks like a mess whenever i see it.
maybe i am terrified to show you my closet.
because, really, that is a whole different kind of mess.
but it’s on my list of things to do.
you know, i have a list. a long list. but it exists and i do, from time to time, check things off…
just not as often as i wish i could.

but that’s going to change!

stay tuned for pictures.
…but if you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s probably because i am buried beneath the mess.


trust me on this one…

hot chocolate becomes a favorite of mine all over again in the winter time and, friends, that time is HERE! so on the night i put up my Christmas tree, i was craving hot chocolate in my favorite Christmas mug.

as i was getting the things out i needed, i came up with an idea. why not add a splash of International Delight’s peppermint mocha creamer to the mix?

creamer only for coffee? what?

it was phenomenal.

actually, more than that.

so worth the calories.

so trust me and try it for yourself. and if you hate it, i’m sorry. but i know you won’t!

hot chooclate


i’m home.

after three hours waiting for a delayed plane in LaGuardia.

after having a bottle of jack daniels spilled down my leg and into my boot on the plane.

after an amazing and fun filled week in my favorite city.

after making so many awesome memories

and taking a million pictures.

i’m home.

and i can’t wait to share my week with you.

chocolate chip cookies

when you find the right recipe that you keep coming back to, chocolate chip cookies can be the best and the worst thing.

worst for my waistline.

best for my taste buds and random cravings of chocolate. and please, ladies, tell me you get those cravings.

i’ve used the same recipe for years now and every time it seems to get better.

so over the weekend, i found myself with a 36 oz bag of chocolate chips and {almost} all of the ingredients. {thank you neighbor who lent me two sticks of butter at 9 PM}

cookies 1

i think i was up until eleven that night making cookies {which is mixed by hand–nothing against those who use electronic mixers…there’s just something different about the cookies when you hand mix them besides the hand aches}. but it was worth it because these cookies.

oh, these cookies.

cookies 2

were divine and gone in three days {they were taken camping and eaten by hungry campers} but still. there had to of been at least 50 cookies.