guest post: homemade wreath

About six months ago I graduated college and moved out of my parents’ house. Moving into a new place has given me plenty of opportunity to use my decorating skills and taste. But this time between Halloween and Thanksgiving has been a little complicated. It’s still fall so the pumpkins can stay, but I had to put all my “scary” décor away. At first I had a bit of trouble thinking of what I could do to add around the house. So I decided a wreath was one way to go. (Plus I’m on a budget!)


All you will need is scissors, a ruler, a wire hangar and scraps of fabric.


Start by making the hangar into a circle. It does not have to be perfect because you won’t be seeing it once the wreath is complete.


I used fabric by Elements Jelly. They are premade scraps which makes it much more convenient to pick out fabric and to cut it up. The set I purchased was 2.5”x48” strips.

But you could grab any fabric and cut it into 2.5”x7”

I got mine from JoAnn Fabrics – remember to always google a coupon before going!

I always look one up on my phone while I’m in the store and usually I end up with 40% off!


I did not double knot these, but you can if you desire.

If you would like the wreath to be fluffier then cut your strips longer.


I didn’t follow a pattern of color with my wreath.

I just grabbed whatever color I felt like would look good next.


Ours is currently on our front door.

This craft is super easy and can also be something fun to do with children.
It can be modified to any color and theme and is wonderfully cheap.

Thank you Alex for sharing your blog with me!
I invite others to check out my blog featuring personal entries and more crafts!

i love…

i love the new crisp feel outside as fall slowly transitions into winter. or in my case, overnight.

i love that this means it’s definitely time to bring out all of my sweaters, hats and scarves.  (actually, maybe i’ve already pulled them out, and maybe i’ve been wearing them faithfully for the last month and a half because, well, i feel like it.)

i love vanilla tea and you can bet that along with my sweaters, i’ve been drinking it in my big hug mug with a huge smile on my face. i also love tazo’s sweet orange tea. yum.

i love when my dog freaks out when i walk in the door. howling, jumping and everything. he’s pretty darn cute.

i love when i find time at night to read the scriptures and use my study guide as a guide to learn more. i am thankful for and love the strength and happiness they bring into my life.

i love how i’m discovering how much i love {sometimes} running {when i’m not coughing up a lung} and yoga.
i love walking outside without my phone. shocking, i know. i’d rather look around me and take in my surroundings, the sounds and the smells of fall without being distracted.
i love my blog.
i love my crock pot. i love how everything seems to taste much more delicious after having slow cooked all day in the kitchen.
i love changing my room up a bit. even if i move a lamp, or rearrange my bookshelf. small changes are good.
i love my brand new white sheets i got from the store.
i love my life. i do. and i am thankful for all of it.

new york city, here i come

two days, people!

two days and i will finally, once again, be in the city that never sleeps. and i have a feeling i won’t be doing much of that at all.

sorry my posts have been kind of scattered. i’ve been busy planning guest posts, scheduled posts and all that on top of PACKING and getting ready. not to mention working like crazy.

finally, the other night being the procrastinator i am…i started packing.

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^^^ bright colors, oversized sweaters, jean shirt and scarves and hats. LOTS of scarves.

i’m definitely getting there! of course i’m packing my brightest of lipsticks because i feel like new york city is one of the best places to wear them.

if it weren’t for my family, i would be living in new york right now. but i love them too much.

speaking of family, as mentioned in my previous post, it was my brother’s 21st birthday (wooooot!) and we celebrated last night with cake, ice cream and presents. i love baking so i volunteered to make him a favorite: dark chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting. the cake wasn’t homemade (gotta love those boxed cake mixes) but the frosting was and i even had extra to freeze to use for another time!

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busy last few days but i am SO excited for next week. work that morning and then hopping on a plane. see you soon, beautiful city.

giving up the bad to make room for the good

i try to be the best person i can be. really, i do.

i try to leave tips in the tip jar, even if it’s starbucks’ drive through. i make a conscious effort to drink more tap water instead of grabbing another bottle of water out of the refrigerator. my room is sometimes always clean. sometimes, people. sometimes. i always try and hold the door open for the person behind me. i’ve made sure to turn the water off and not let it run while i’m brushing and flossing my teeth. i smile even at someone who is scowling. i take off my makeup every night and wash my face every day. i try to eat more fruits and veggies and when i get mad at other drivers on the road, i seriously try to not cuss out loud or say mean things in my head. no matter how badly i want to.

these things may be so little but they are the ones that feel like i’m making progress in my life.

so when i eat that extra piece of chocolate or throw that shirt i didn’t have the three seconds to spare and hang up onto the floor, i should give myself a little break. right?
the other day i went to Swenson’s {the day of my biopsy- i needed a pick me up} and saw they had pumpkin milkshakes and i ordered a large. their larges are normally the size of a grande at starbucks. but no, people. i’m talking huge, slushie size cup from speedway or some other gas station. the kind you need a special lid to fit the diameter or the cup.
and guess what? i drank the.whole.thing. the worst part was promising myself, OUT LOUD that i would put half of it in the freezer to save for another time only to hear the familiar empty cup sound coming from my straw.
shame, alexandria. shame.


it’s so interesting to put things into perspective in terms of numbers. when i was reading a fantastic blog i read a post about aging and it made me think: i’m nearing my mid twenties… time to get on some things i want out life. but we all must be careful to not overlook the present while staring into the future.

here are some fun, silly things about me. right now. at this moment.

10 Years Ago… i was 13. about to meet the guy who i swore was my first love. i was too worried about the little things and obsessed with writing {well, that hasn’t changed.}

5 things on my to do list… get a full time job {even though i somehow love all four of my current ones}, pay my bills, eat healthier, work out 5 times a week, buy a plane ticket home from my trip to NYC in two weeks {my mom is convinced i won’t be coming home. she said she wouldn’t be surprised. i wouldn’t either}, repaint my nails, do my bible study, read the book i bought two weeks ago…oh, that’s more than five? Woops.

5 snacks/food I enjoy… nutella…on everything, graham crackers dipped in Bigelow French vanilla toast, homemade pizza, pumpkin spice bagels, fruit. so much fruit.

5 favorite things… 1. my life 2. my family, values and faith 3. bright colored clothes and lipstick 4. new York city 5. Lush bath products

5 favorite places I have been to… 1. new York city 2. chicago, il 3. bar harbor, maine 4. washington d.c., maryland 5. florida

5 things most people don’t know about me…
1. i actually enjoy where i am living…even though it’s not the city 2. when i’m home alone, i can’t sleep in my room. i always end up in the living room on the couch with a movie on. 3. i love cold weather 4. i miss school sometimes and challenging myself on a daily basis 5. i hate my car. with a passion.

a walk in the neighborhood

this morning i woke up to a beautiful blue sky with colors of the leaves at their brightest.

i just woke up happy, and i love mornings like that. it could have been Daylight Savings Time {thank you, fall back} or my brand new sheets that i absolutely LOVE. see picture below


^^^ i bought them from kohls!

so after i had my morning cup of coffee, i decided it would the perfect opportunity for a walk on this gorgeous day! with the temps in the 40s, i happily slipped my winter coat on and my winter boots.

my neightborhood is always so pretty this time of year. i may be biased, and sure, places like NYC are a dream when it comes to fall and winter. but i’m thankful for what i have.

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today i am thankful for many things

  • for two new zumba instructors at the gym. i haven’t had the chance to try either of them out yet, but i hear they are awesome and will really give you a work out.
  • for sales at Kohls that let me buy things that brighten up my room without spending too much
  • for friends near and far
  • for a mom and dad who have always let me “spread my wings.”
  • for a brother who makes me so happy when he comes to me for help on anything. even essays and school stuff. makes me feel valuable.
  • for my education. i sure am lucky.
  • for prayers. for strength and hope my heavenly father gives me whenever I open up and talk and do my best. i sure am happy he is always there.
  • for my friend Rose who let’s me crash on her couch when i’m in the city.
  • for my mom’s cooking. you have no idea.
  • for arcade fire. their music is WOW. {photo below}
  • for my church and priest who make scripture so relatable every week.
  • for heat and warm, fluffy blankets.
  • for my family. i just love my brother and parents so much.
  • for my life. i am a very lucky girl to have it. it’s so beautiful. i feel blessed.

B&WSheet190207_frame1^^^ love them. photo via

good times, old friends, fun memories and wineries…oh my!

tonight i remembered how much i missed some very awesome people.

after over a year of not all being together at the same time, my friends cassie and Kristie were able to get together for a night out.

we went to a winery i had never been to {i know, shocker!} that i had been told great things about. and it sure was!

i’m not sure if it’s fall weather or the colors on the trees that make any winery absolutely quaint and adorable, but this place sure was. it is an old farmhouse and on the inside is perfectly set up. the only thing was it was a little too warm for everyone and made drinking wine a little hard.

now, i don’t drink a lot of wine. scratch that. i don’t drink a lot PERIOD. so when i do have a glass, it makes me fuzzier and warmer faster than normal lol. so we were pretty warm by the end of the night.

we met for dinner and between us split a guacamole turkey bagel sandwich {OMG… but the bagels still weren’t as good as they are in nyc}, a cup of their fall potato soup, and goat cheese and pita chips. it was perfection!

i love nights like these. so lighthearted and fun! and i sure did miss my girls.

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^^^ i shared a bottle of locomotion a drier white, crisp wine.

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oh october, you were something else.

i started working at my amazing job as a marketing intern/assistant and i have loved every minute of it. even if i have to share my desk for now.

i faced my fears and spoke in front of a crowd i didn’t know would be for 45 minutes and came out of it without crying.

i went to the pumpkin patch and had so much fun picking out my pumpkin. yeah, i’m 23…so?

i went to salt fork state park campground for a weekend with family and took some amazing photos

i took a few extra minutes each day to look at my surroundings and be thankful.

i realized the importance to capturing moments as often as you can and that just because you don’t have a fancy camera to do so, iphones and apps are great substitutes.

i went to church for the first time in awhile and remembered the importance of it.

i went to the doctor for foot surgery and came out with a biopsy taken from my shoulder.

i visited an amazing, quaint winery where i fell in love my surroundings, the food and oh, yeah, the wine ;)

i discovered the beautiful impact of bright lipstick, went through my closet and got rid of the darker clothes and opened my mind to buying brighter ones.

i helped pass out candy for the trick-or-treaters on Halloween

i started this blog which has been such an awesome experience so far and it’s only been a couple of weeks! can’t wait to see where this takes me.

happy November 1st.

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my finds for the day

I had the morning off which is one of the most awesome feelings ever when all you do is work.

I thought it was finally time to check out my to do list on my iphone and check some of those tasks off. {thank you iphone for having that feature. makes remembering things that much easier}

because there is only one apple store by me, and my phone has been having issues {let’s not talk about it} for awhile now, I got to go to the “good” mall which is about a half an hour away. after my appointment at the apple store {thank you kind man who was super patient with me and listened to what I had to complain about. I hope I was nice!} I hit the stores.

J. Crew had a lot of awesome deals. they’re doing that thing where they have three HUGE rows of deals that are categorized by price. at the counter, you receive an extra 25% off and STUDENTS! bring in your college ID and you will receive {always} 15% off. it’s a great deal and i appreciate J. Crew doing that.

Banana Republic had some deals but nothing too exciting.

as i hit The Gap, i was pretty impressed. most of their in-store items were buy two for $20, $25 and $30. also, the woman who rang my items up told me that if until november 6 (?) when you spend $50, you get $25 in gap cash.

other than that i went to Sephora, Target, Barnes and Noble and of course, Starbucks which is bringing their holiday cups out. YES!

here are my finds:

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^^^ i like my striped shirts to be extra comfy with plenty of room. i got this in a large but could have easily fit in a medium which is what i usually wear from The Gap

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^^^ i needed a tank that wasn’t white and wasn’t black. grey is a good color!

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^^^ of course walking around nyc, i prefer a cross-body and they are so in right now that i had to get it.

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^^^ i wanted a new fall fragrance and maybe this isn’t necessarily the correct kind, lol, but i loved it and it was just enough to get me through fall and winter. in case you can’t see it, it’s Dot by Marc Jacobs. i love pretty much everything by him.