that thing called organization…

… i thought i had it down… but i am beginning to think i don’t.

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maybe it’s not as bad as i think.
maybe it just looks like a mess whenever i see it.
maybe i am terrified to show you my closet.
because, really, that is a whole different kind of mess.
but it’s on my list of things to do.
you know, i have a list. a long list. but it exists and i do, from time to time, check things off…
just not as often as i wish i could.

but that’s going to change!

stay tuned for pictures.
…but if you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s probably because i am buried beneath the mess.


dear Kate Spade

i love you.

here’s one of the reasons.

i had been eyeing a few things from Kate Spade NY for awhile now (see previous post with my hashtag). one of them was a need.

no, really. i needed a new planner/organizer.

the one i had from target (which, i love shopping there by the way) ends in december and i can’t find the refillable pages anywhere.

which is sad because i bought that planner last year to save money and just keep buying the refills. oh well. it led me to Kate Spade.

sunday night i ordered the planner and was so happy to get it on wednesday! talk about fast shipping for a free service! i was impressed.

anyways. i highly recommend buying one of the website or in stores because, well, it’s perfect.

the outside is hard and the pages are durable. there is a two pocket folder at the beginning to hold plenty of papers and misc items i always seem to try and shove in my planners.

bonus? before each month it has a fun saying. my favorite one is below and happens to be the one for my birthday month (july!)

photo 1

photo 2

dear Kate Spade,

please open more stores near me. keep on living colorfully.
